Centre for Agri-business & Technology Through Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness (CATER): An initiative for offsetting cost of agricultural labour through farm mechanization

Mechanization of agriculture is an essential input in modern agriculture. It enhances productivity, besides reducing human drudgery and cost of cultivation. Mechanization also helps in improving utilization efficiency of other inputs, safety and comfort of the agricultural worker, improvements in the quality and value addition of the produce. Efficient machinery helps in increasing production and productivity, besides enabling the farmers to raise a second crop or multiple crops making agriculture attractive and a way of life by becoming commercial instead of subsistence. Increased production will require more use of agricultural inputs and protection of crops from various stresses.

In line with the objective of encouraging Agri-entrepreneurs, MFEC is encouraging rural and urban youth to set up farm machinery hiring system with an investment of Rs 5 lakh to Rs 30 lakh.

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