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The Hill Farmers’ Union (HFU) in collaboration with Meghalaya Basin Development Agency (MBDA), the Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) and the Agriculture Department, Government of Meghalaya, conducted the First Farmers’ Parliament in Shillong on the 4th of December 2018.

The most significant outcome of the deliberations was a resolution passed during the Farmers’ Parliament to set up a Farmers’ Commission that will address the concerns of the farming community and look at solutions to tackle the problems being faced by them. Following this, the State Government introduced the Meghalaya Farmers’ (Empowerment) Commission Act 2019 in the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly in October 2019 which received the assent of the Governor of Meghalaya on the 9th October 2019.

The Second Farmers’ Parliament was held on 10th December 2019 in Tura where 2020 was declared as the “Year of the Farmers” and December 4th to be observed as Meghalaya Farmers’ Day.


The Meghalaya Farmers’ (Empowerment) Commission was constituted: -

  1. To act as a bridge between the farmers and the Government
  2. To study and identify key issues of the farmers in the State of Meghalaya
  3. To suggest remedial measures to make farming sector more attractive and remunerative for farmers and youth.


Empowering Farmers of Meghalaya.


The Commission shall engage itself in the formulation of long-term and short-term policy measures for the benefit of farmers and devise ways and means for better implementation of Government policies relating to agriculture, allied sectors, food processing and value chain development in the State of Meghalaya.

The Commission shall examine various facets of farming activities including but not limited to climate change, sustainable farming practices, implementation of various commodity specific Missions, markets and international agreements, and their impact on farmers and farming activities and would assist the Government in formulating appropriate policies and programmes for mitigation as well as adaptation.


The Commission shall discharge the following functions, namely: -

  1. To make suitable policy recommendations to the State Government based on sound economic principles for the benefit of farmers and farming sector in the State of Meghalaya.
  2. To assess the general farming situation and condition of the farmers in the State.
  3. To identify the specific needs of the farmers and farming associations on issues and challenges they are facing, and to suggest specific measures to address the issues.
  4. To set medium term and long-term goals - social, economic and ecological goals for the farming sector in order to make the sector most competitive.
  5. To suggest measures to improve the various stages of agriculture produce viz., grading, processing, storage, transport, channels of distribution and all other functions involved so there is no value erosion at any stage and the farmers realize complete value for their produce.
  6. To identify and recommend measures for raising financial resources for the implementation of the various measures suggested by the Commission.
  7. To review periodically and suggest effective and innovative measures to strengthen the Implementation and Monitoring of the various Central and State Government schemes and commodity specific missions launched by the Government at various times, to ensure effective outcome of the same.
  8. To induct various technologies for enhancing productivity that may include Mobile apps, Artificial Intelligence based crop husbandry, Seed Technology and Tissue Culture and other new methods and practices.
  9. To take steps to promote climate change resilient natural farming methods such as Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) in the State.
  10. To suggest ways and means for availability of financial services to the farmers of Meghalaya.
  11. To suggest measures to mitigate and alleviate farmer’s distress arising out of debt burden.
  12. To set up Seed Villages and develop a comprehensive seed management system for conservation and propagation of indigenous and climate change resilient varieties of seeds in the State.
  13. To suggest measures to secure Geographical Indications and Intellectual Property Rights for all niche and high value crops which are unique to the State of Meghalaya.
  14. To recommend environment friendly Irrigation systems, organic fertilizers and bio pest management systems to farmers.
  15. To oversee implementation of Crop/Animal Insurance program for Agriculture and allied sectors.
  16. To oversee implementation of Soil Health Card program to support farmers in soil health care screening.
  17. To improve governance and delivery of services to farmers using the provisions of the Meghalaya Community Participation and Public Services Social Audit Act 2017.
  18. To consider demands and grievances of farmers and farmers’ Associations, and Unions and to establish a channel of communication with their representatives.
  19. To consider and advise Government on any other issue which is specially referred to the Commission by the State Government;
  20. To encourage the farmers to form association, and/or co-operative societies so their voice is collectivized and heard with respect.
  21. To implement such Externally Aided Projects that have a direct bearing on farmer empowerment and mobilization, as also their economic upliftment.


  1. Chairman: Shri K.N. Kumar, IAS - The Chief Executive of the Commission who can exercise such powers and perform such duties as prescribed under the Meghalaya Farmers’ (Empowerment) Commission Act, 2019 (Act No. 22 of 2019) and rules therein.
  2. Executive Adviser: Shri B.K. Sohliya, MAS
  3. Executive Assistant to the Chairman: Smti Doreen M. Marpna
  4. Technical Assistants:
    1. Smti Lashaihun Dohtdong, Senior Technical Assistant
  5. Executive Assistants: Smti B Marbaniang, Executive Assistant
  6. Accountant: Shri. L. Jyrwa
  7. Sub-committees / Study teams / Consultants
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